Results for 'Carlos Alexander Cabrera'

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  1.  48
    Separating decision and encoding noise in signal detection tasks.Carlos Alexander Cabrera, Zhong-Lin Lu & Barbara Anne Dosher - 2015 - Psychological Review 122 (3):429-460.
  2.  38
    Algoritmo multiobjetivo NSGA-II aplicado al problema de la mochila.Carlos Adrián Correa Flórez, Ricardo Andrés Bolaños Ocampo & Alexander Molina Cabrera - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  3. Validita sintattica vs. invalidita sintattica in Geiger.Carlos Alarcon Cabrera - 1994 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 71 (3):373-384.
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  4. The role of sound symbolism in protolanguage: Some linguistic and archaeological speculations.Juan Carlos Moreno Cabrera - forthcoming - Theoria Et Historia Scientiarum 9:115-130.
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  5. Validez pragmática. Una discusión con AG Conte.Carlos Alarcón Cabrera - 1993 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 70:341-354.
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    Grammarians and Academies. Towards a Sociology of Linguistic Knowledge.Juan Carlos Moreno Cabrera - 2008 - Arbor 184 (731).
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    Constitutive Constitutional Reform.Carlos Alarcón Cabrera - 1996 - Ratio Juris 9 (1):85-93.
  8. Simplificación de señales senoidales Y cosenoidales mediante triangulos de cano obtenidos usando propiedades de la convolucion.Alexander Molina Cabrera, Oscar Danilo Montoya Giraldo & Luisa Fernanda Escobar D. Vila - 2011 - Scientia et Technica 16.
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    Metafísica E ideia: A originalidade da concepção tomista em confronto com Spinoza E Hegel.Carlos Frederico Gurgel Calvet da Silveira & Thiago Leite Cabrera Pereira da Rosa - 2015 - Synesis 7 (2):1-17.
    As ideias estão em Deus e são compreendidas por seus limites em relação à sua essência ilimitada. A originalidade do ser de Tomás de Aquino pode ser testada se comparada com as múltiplas teorias a respeito da ideia que se desenvolveram ao longo dos séculos na investigação filosófica. Das ideias subsistentes de Platão à ideia como subsistência em Hegel, os percursos aristotélico e tomista revelam-se opções intelectuais moderadas no âmbito gnosiológico, em razão de suas conquistas metafísicas. Deixando de lado os (...)
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    Five chances in evolution.Carlos Mariscal & Alexander Lerner - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 69:97-100.
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  11. Nuevos materiales para una semántica del lenguaje normativo: Lecturas deónticas de una paradoja lógica de Lewis Carroll.Carlos Alarcón Cabrera - 1994 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 9 (1):123-134.
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    Imperativos y lógica en Jorgen Jorgensen.Carlos Alarcón Cabrera - 1999 - Isegoría 20:207-215.
  13.  37
    Von Wright's Deontic Logics and "Contrary-to-Duty Imperatives".Carlos Alarcón-Cabrera - 1998 - Ratio Juris 11 (1):67-79.
  14. Paradossi e norme.Carlos Alarcón Cabrera - 2010 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 87 (2):279-292.
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  15. Consciousness as a phenomenon in the operational architectonics of brain organization: Criticality and self-organization considerations.Andrew A. Fingelkurts, Alexander A. Fingelkurts & Carlos F. H. Neves - 2013 - Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 55:13-31.
    In this paper we aim to show that phenomenal consciousness is realized by a particular level of brain operational organization and that understanding human consciousness requires a description of the laws of the immediately underlying neural collective phenomena, the nested hierarchy of electromagnetic fields of brain activity – operational architectonics. We argue that the subjective mental reality and the objective neurobiological reality, although seemingly worlds apart, are intimately connected along a unified metastable continuum and are both guided by the universal (...)
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    Método de elementos finitos en dos dimensiones para estudio de propagación en potenciales electrostáticos.Jhon Eduar Valencia, Alexander Molina Cabrera & Víctor Daniel Correa Ramírez - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Lo sistémico entre escuela y familia. Universos posibles.Alexander Rodríguez Bustamante, Carlos Mauricio Agudelo Gallego & Luisa Fernanda Córdoba-Quintero - 2020 - Perseitas 9:373-388.
    Este artículo pretende generar claridades sobre el planteamiento sistémico, llevado a los universos de la escuela y la familia. Se plantean lugares de encuentro entre estos dos sistemas interconexionados por el pensamiento sistémico y la comunicación, rescatando que la escuela y la familia han sido determinantes en la configuración de subjetividades y sociedades. Estas reflexiones permiten concluir que las manifestaciones recíprocas de la familia y la escuela esculpen maneras de ser y de estar en el mundo.
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  18. Phenomenological architecture of a mind and Operational Architectonics of the brain: the unified metastable continuum.Andrew A. Fingelkurts, Alexander A. Fingelkurts & Carlos F. H. Neves - 2009 - Journal of New Mathematics and Natural Computing. Special Issue on Neurodynamic Correlates of Higher Cognition and Consciousness: Theoretical and Experimental Approaches - in Honor of Walter J Freeman's 80th Birthday 5 (1):221-244.
    In our contribution we will observe phenomenal architecture of a mind and operational architectonics of the brain and will show their intimate connectedness within a single integrated metastable continuum. The notion of operation of different complexity is the fundamental and central one in bridging the gap between brain and mind: it is precisely by means of this notion that it is possible to identify what at the same time belongs to the phenomenal conscious level and to the neurophysiological level of (...)
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  19.  4
    Ética militar en el contexto de la guerra difusa.Alexander José Alcántara Durán & Carlos Daniel Dugarte Torres - 2024 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 5 (10):e240151.
    El objetivo general de esta investigación fue analizar los desafíos que generan las formas de ataque de la guerra no convencional a la ética militar frente a la defensa integral y la seguridad de la nación. Se apoyó en el enfoque cuantitativo de tipo documental. Las operaciones militares contemporáneas exigen altos estándares al liderazgo de los oficiales; en consecuencia, deben ser conscientes de impacto que frente a situaciones difíciles tienen en otras personas; por lo que su conducta debe estar en (...)
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  20.  21
    Una forma de simplificar potencias trigonométricas.Augusto Cano Jaramillo & Alexander Molina Cabrera - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Evolving development: An evolutionary perspective on development for an interconnected world.Kathia Laszlo, Alexander Laszlo, Carlos Romero & Marcia Campos - 2003 - World Futures 59 (2):105 – 119.
    The notion of development has been permeated by concepts and methods from positivistic science. As a result, many development initiatives are reductionistic, myopic, and with little or impact on the improvement of the quality of life and the sustainability of communities and societies. This article marks the beginning of a transdisciplinary inquiry among the authors, motivated by direct interest in the issue of development, per se, and in particular, Mexico's development. Our inquiry departs from and weaves together our various areas (...)
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  22. Natural World Physical, Brain Operational, and Mind Phenomenal Space-Time.Andrew A. Fingelkurts, Alexander A. Fingelkurts & Carlos F. H. Neves - 2010 - Physics of Life Reviews 7 (2):195-249.
    Concepts of space and time are widely developed in physics. However, there is a considerable lack of biologically plausible theoretical frameworks that can demonstrate how space and time dimensions are implemented in the activity of the most complex life-system – the brain with a mind. Brain activity is organized both temporally and spatially, thus representing space-time in the brain. Critical analysis of recent research on the space-time organization of the brain’s activity pointed to the existence of so-called operational space-time in (...)
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  23.  26
    Is there a social justice to dentistry’s social contract?Alexander C. L. Holden & Carlos R. Quiñonez - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (7):646-651.
    Bioethics, Volume 35, Issue 7, Page 646-651, September 2021.
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    Escenarios Y personajes de Roberto bolaño en el entorno posmoderno.Juan Carlos Pino Correa & Alexander Buendía Astudillo - 2009 - Alpha (Osorno) 29.
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    Aspectos Éticos de la Investigación Clínica en seres humanos.Carlos M. Albornoz López del Castillo, Alejandro Aguero Díaz, Yanelys Cabrera Villalobos & Carmen Alonso Montes de Oca - 2003 - Humanidades Médicas 3 (2):0-0.
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  26. “Machine” Consciousness and “Artificial” Thought: An Operational Architectonics Model Guided Approach.Andrew A. Fingelkurts, Alexander A. Fingelkurts & Carlos F. H. Neves - 2012 - Brain Research 1428:80-92.
    Instead of using low-level neurophysiology mimicking and exploratory programming methods commonly used in the machine consciousness field, the hierarchical Operational Architectonics (OA) framework of brain and mind functioning proposes an alternative conceptual-theoretical framework as a new direction in the area of model-driven machine (robot) consciousness engineering. The unified brain-mind theoretical OA model explicitly captures (though in an informal way) the basic essence of brain functional architecture, which indeed constitutes a theory of consciousness. The OA describes the neurophysiological basis of the (...)
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    Caracterización de las evolutas de curvas planas.Carlos Arturo Escudero Salcedo, Yuri Alexander Poveda & S. Prieto - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Performance Indicators in Young Elite Beach Volleyball Players.José Antonio Pérez-Turpin, Luis María Campos-Gutiérrez, Carlos Elvira-Aranda, María José Gomis-Gomis, Concepción Suárez-Llorca & Eliseo Andreu-Cabrera - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  29.  18
    The duty to care and nurses’ well-being during a pandemic.C. Amparo Muñoz-Rubilar, Carolina Pezoa Carrillos, Ingunn Pernille Mundal, Carlos De las Cuevas & Mariela Loreto Lara-Cabrera - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (3):527-539.
    Background: The coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic is impacting the delivery of healthcare worldwide, creating dilemmas related to the duty to care. Although understanding the ethical dilemmas about the duty to care among nurses is necessary to allow effective preparation, few studies have explored these concerns. Aim: This study aimed to identify the ethical dilemmas among clinical nurses in Spain and Chile. It primarily aimed to (1) identify nurses’ agreement with the duty to care despite high risks for themselves and/or their (...)
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  30.  10
    2. PRESENTE Y FUTURO DE LA FILOSOFÍA DEL DERECHO. Filosofía del derecho, formas de vida y análisis lingüístico. Algunas consideraciones sobre la filosofía del derecho como filosofía del lenguaje normativo. [REVIEW]Carlos Alarcón Cabrera - 2024 - Anuario de Filosofía Del Derecho 39.
    El punto de partida wittgensteiniano del Tractatus según el cual el mundo y el lenguaje poseen una estructura común, y la expresión del pensamiento es perceptible mediante las proposiciones lingüísticas, mediante signos lingüísticos que proyectan las situaciones a través del sentido de las proposiciones, es revisada en las Investigaciones Filosóficas, en las que Wittgenstein subraya quela relación entre una palabra y su significado no se da en la teoría, sino en la práctica, en los usos lingüísticos de la palabra. La (...)
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    Breve compilación metodológica para la implementación de controladores PID análogos.Jimmy Alexander Cortes Osorio, Muriel Escobar, José Agustín & Juan Carlos García Buitrago - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Editorial: Research on Emotion and Learning: Contributions from Latin America.Camilo Hurtado-Parrado, Carlos Gantiva, Alexander Gómez-A., Lucas Cuenya, Leonardo Ortega & Javier L. Rico - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    El teorema de Engel.Alexánder Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, Carlos Arturo Mora Ceballos & Yuri Alexander Poveda - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  34. Emergentist Monism, Biological Realism, Operations and Brain-Mind Problem.Andrew A. Fingelkurts, Alexander A. Fingelkurts & Carlos F. H. Neves - 2010 - Physics of Life Reviews 7 (2):264-268.
    We would like to thank all the commentators who responded to our target review paper for their thought-provoking ideas and for their initially positive characterization of our theorizing. Our position provoked a broad range of reactions, from enthusiastic support to some kind of opposition. Regardless of the type of the response, one common factor appears to be the plausibility of a presented attempt to apply insights from physics, biology (neuroscience), and phenomenology of mind to form a unified theoretical framework of (...)
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  35.  53
    Cuadripolos eléctricos y la serie de Fibonacci.Calle Trujillo, Jorge Eduardo, Alexander Molina Cabrera & Augusto Cano Jaramillo - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  36.  22
    Metodología alternativa para el tratamiento de problemas de programación entera usando programación no lineal.Diego Adolfo Mejía Giraldo, Alexander Molina Cabrera, A. Franco & F. Francisco - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  37. Brain and mind operational architectonics and man-made “machine” consciousness.Andrew A. Fingelkurts, Alexander A. Fingelkurts & Carlos F. H. Neves - 2009 - Cognitive Processing 10 (2):105-111.
    To build a true conscious robot requires that a robot’s “brain” be capable of supporting the phenomenal consciousness as human’s brain enjoys. Operational Architectonics framework through exploration of the temporal structure of information flow and inter-area interactions within the network of functional neuronal populations [by examining topographic sharp transition processes in the scalp electroencephalogram (EEG) on the millisecond scale] reveals and describes the EEG architecture which is analogous to the architecture of the phenomenal world. This suggests that the task of (...)
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  38.  16
    Teleodontology in the Central Peruvian Jungle: Quality and Service Satisfaction.Teresa Etelvina Ríos-Caro, Jhair Alexander León Rodríguez, Franz Tito Coronel-Zubiate, Carlos Manuel Ríos-Angulo & Marco Cesar Ríos-Caro - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (2):221-232.
    The research analyzes the teledentistry service applied in health services during COVID-19, studying the quality of the teledentistry service and the level of satisfaction of patients treated with this care model. A sample of 341 patients was worked on, using the SERVQUAL model. The results showed a statistically significant relationship between quality of service in teledentistry and patient satisfaction (p<0.05), where 34.9% patients perceived low quality of service and dissatisfaction, while 33.7% were pleased with the care. We conclude that, given (...)
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    Alexander-of-aphrodisias'de fato 2-6'in aristotelian perspective.Carlo Natali - 1994 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 49 (4):629-663.
  40. International Consensus Based Review and Recommendations for Minimum Reporting Standards in Research on Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation.Adam D. Farmer, Adam Strzelczyk, Alessandra Finisguerra, Alexander V. Gourine, Alireza Gharabaghi, Alkomiet Hasan, Andreas M. Burger, Andrés M. Jaramillo, Ann Mertens, Arshad Majid, Bart Verkuil, Bashar W. Badran, Carlos Ventura-Bort, Charly Gaul, Christian Beste, Christopher M. Warren, Daniel S. Quintana, Dorothea Hämmerer, Elena Freri, Eleni Frangos, Eleonora Tobaldini, Eugenijus Kaniusas, Felix Rosenow, Fioravante Capone, Fivos Panetsos, Gareth L. Ackland, Gaurav Kaithwas, Georgia H. O'Leary, Hannah Genheimer, Heidi I. L. Jacobs, Ilse Van Diest, Jean Schoenen, Jessica Redgrave, Jiliang Fang, Jim Deuchars, Jozsef C. Széles, Julian F. Thayer, Kaushik More, Kristl Vonck, Laura Steenbergen, Lauro C. Vianna, Lisa M. McTeague, Mareike Ludwig, Maria G. Veldhuizen, Marijke De Couck, Marina Casazza, Marius Keute, Marom Bikson, Marta Andreatta, Martina D'Agostini, Mathias Weymar, Matthew Betts, Matthias Prigge, Michael Kaess, Michael Roden, Michelle Thai, Nathaniel M. Schuster & Nico Montano - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Given its non-invasive nature, there is increasing interest in the use of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation across basic, translational and clinical research. Contemporaneously, tVNS can be achieved by stimulating either the auricular branch or the cervical bundle of the vagus nerve, referred to as transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation and transcutaneous cervical VNS, respectively. In order to advance the field in a systematic manner, studies using these technologies need to adequately report sufficient methodological detail to enable comparison of results between (...)
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  41. Algunos resultados interesantes de la teoría de la medida.Edgar Alirio Valencia Angulo, Carlos Arturo Escudero & Yuri Alexander Poveda - 2011 - Scientia et Technica 17.
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    RETRACTION NOTICE: Teleodontology in the Central Peruvian Jungle.Teresa Etelvina Ríos-Caro, Jhair Alexander León Rodríguez, Franz Tito Coronel-Zubiate, Carlos Manuel Ríos-Angulo & Marco Cesar Ríos-Caro - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (2):223-235.
    Retraction note: Ríos-Caro, T. E., León Rodríguez, J. A., Coronel-Zubiate, F. T., Ríos-Angulo, C. M. & Ríos-Caro, M. C. (2023). Teleodontology in the Central Peruvian Jungle: Quality and Service Satisfaction. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 21(2), 223-235. The Editorial Office of Eurasia Academic Publishing Group has retracted this article. An investigation carried out by our Research Integrity Department has found a group of articles, among which this one is found, that are not within the thematic scope (...)
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    Sobre as políticas externas da Argentina, do Brasil e do Chile com relação à Alemanha, aos Estados Unidos e à Itália entre a Conferência de Lima e a entrada do Brasil na Segunda Guerra Mundial. [REVIEW]Jorge Luiz Pereira Ferrer, Alexander Zhebit & Francisco Carlos Teixeira da Silva - 2012 - Dialogos 16 (2).
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  44. El arte como el Gran Rechazo: la humanización de la estética.Jose Alfonso Correa-Cabrera - 2019 - Valenciana 23:191-212.
    Filósofos como Marcuse han subrayado las propiedades liberadoras del quehacer artístico. Pero si hemos de pensar el arte como el Gran Rechazo, es necesario mostrar qué rechaza el arte y con qué busca sustituirlo. Respecto a estas preguntas, existen dos respuestas antagónicas. Mientras una busca en la experiencia artística rechazar lo dado en nombre de una verdad intemporal, la otra también reniega de lo dado, pero admite el carácter provisorio de toda verdad. Aunque en apariencia sutil, esta distinción es sustancial. (...)
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  45. Book review. "Il mio viaggio con padre Alexander". Juliana Schmemann. (Reseña. "Mi viaje con padre Alexander").Carlos Alberto Rosas Jimenez - 2022 - Teología y Vida 2 (63):293-297.
    A man or woman who has a great spiritual sensitivity, who is interested in matters of faith and religion, or who dedicates a good part of his time to the cultivation of the spiritual life, is almost always associated with a priest or a nun, sometimes even in a derogatory way for the rest of the people. It seems that the interest in the spiritual was something exclusive to some. However, Alexander Schmemann is an example of how a great (...)
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    Rivalutare l’ Etica Eudemia. A proposito di A. Kenny, The Aristotelian Ethics, II edizione.Carlo Natali - 2019 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 40 (1):137-164.
    In the paper I discuss three theses defended by A. Kenny: in antiquity up to Aspasius or to Alexander of Aphrodisias the EE was considered the most important version of Aristotle’s ethical discourse; the idea that the common books belonged to the one or to the other treatise; the opposition between the theory of happiness of EN I and X and that of EE II and VIII.
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    Performing 'Legitimate' Torture: Towards a Cultural Pragmatics of Atrocity.Carlo Tognato - 2010 - Thesis Eleven 103 (1):88-96.
    Scholars have traditionally explained away torture as an act of monstrosity. Hannah Arendt has proposed instead a socio-cultural explanation of the phenomenon. Modern rationality, she suggests, constitutes the legitimacy principle that grounds the bureaucracy of repression and that perpetrators can ultimately tap into for the purpose of justifying their deeds. I will suggest, instead, that modern technical rationality is per se not sufficient to justify torture. Rather, to do so, it must undergo a profound transformation as a result of its (...)
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  48.  15
    (1 other version)La causa de la acción humana según Alejandro de Afrodisia, " Mantissa 23" y "De Fato 15".Carlos Natali - 2009 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 40:159-181.
    Carlo Natali se ocupa de examinar las bases y detalles del debate de Alejandro con los deterministas, así como sus razones para mostrar el papel decisivo de la deliberación en la explicación de la acción. El punto de partida de Alejandro es el capítulo 9 del De interpretatione, texto que indica de una manera bastante clara que Aristóteles visualizó las consecuencias, absurdas en su opinión, del determinismo. En su discusión Natali examina la influencia de los argumentos de Alejandro en el (...)
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    Philon d’Alexandrie est-il inutilisable pour connaître Énésidème?Carlos Lévy - 2015 - Philosophie Antique 15:5-26.
    La floraison d’études sur le scepticisme antique de ces dernières décennies a fait au moins une victime, à savoir Philon d’Alexandrie, auquel elles ont accordé une part de plus en plus restreinte, alors même que Philon est incontestablement celle de nos sources la plus proche d’Énésidème qui refonda le pyrrhonisme au ier siècle avant J.-C. Il importe donc d’établir quelle confiance on peut accorder à ce que Philon nous dit, en plusieurs endroits de son œuvre, du courant sceptique. On propose (...)
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  50. A Comparison of Penalized Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Markov Chain Monte Carlo Techniques for Estimating Confirmatory Factor Analysis Models With Small Sample Sizes.Oliver Lüdtke, Esther Ulitzsch & Alexander Robitzsch - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    With small to modest sample sizes and complex models, maximum likelihood estimation of confirmatory factor analysis models can show serious estimation problems such as non-convergence or parameter estimates outside the admissible parameter space. In this article, we distinguish different Bayesian estimators that can be used to stabilize the parameter estimates of a CFA: the mode of the joint posterior distribution that is obtained from penalized maximum likelihood estimation, and the mean, median, or mode of the marginal posterior distribution that are (...)
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